July 02, 2002
Rain, rain, go away...
...yeah, yeah, I know we need the rain and that we were like 9 inches behind normal but do we have to catch up all at once? It's been raining almost constantly for 5 days. At our place we've gotten about 6 inches of rain in that time. Our grass is just getting longer and longer which means I have to mow it. By this time of year we are not supposed to have to mow anymore. We had one downpour today that over loaded the gutters and storm drains so we had a creek going through our front and back yards. I took Moose out to play in the puddles and had a good time though. I didn't take him across the street to play in the flooding creek though. There has already been at least one person see fit to Auto-Darwinate themselves in these storms.
Posted by Tony at July 2, 2002 01:56 PM | TrackBack