doing my civic duty…

10:39 pm on Monday, June 10, 2002

The day after I got laid off I got greetings and salutations from Williamson County. I had been selected for jury duty. Today was the day I had to go in for the selection process. I had never had to serve so it was an eye-opening experience for me. Getting out of it isn’t as easy as you’d think, or at least the judge was a real hard-ass about letting people go. Of the 200 or so folks that showed up about 50 tried to get out of it and about 30 of those did. The rest of us were broken into for groups. My group of 41 people were told to be back at 1PM that day for selections.
We showed up but the lawyers weren’t ready. They asked a bunch of questions but I can’t tell you what they asked because the judge said I couldn’t. Yes, you guessed it. Of the 41 folks I was one of the lucky 12 picked to serve my civic duty. The lawyers for both sides said the case should go about 4-5 days and when it’s over then I can give details…

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2004/07/01 @ 22:04

Why me?
I got home today and found a letter from Williamson County. It was a summons for jury duty. See it…

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