Went to my local Fry’s Electronics yesterday at lunch looking for a inexpensive car stereo for my new Defender 90. I saw one that had all the features I wanted. AM/FM, CD, and the important Aux input so I could plug in the iPod. It also had one really good feature, it was $75. I decided it was the one for me and I’d grab one to put in myself when I had the chance. I went to the stack of boxes and noticed that 1/2 of them were returns. Hmmm, not good. I noticed that those returns also had ‘Return to Vendor’ stickers on them. They should have never been back on the shelf. Good ol’ Fry’s, letting me know what I shouldn’t buy. The stickers were hilarious. They said things like ‘Doesn’t power up’, ‘volume doesn’t work’, etc. The best was one that read, and I quote, ‘Customer suggested I use it as a boat anchor’.
Guess what I didn’t buy yesterday.
If anyone has any suggestions on a cheap car stereo with a front Aux input, let me know.