Welcome to the stage of history…

10:00 am on Thursday, August 28, 2003

Yesterday marked the release of Soul Calibur II. A game I have been anxiously awaiting to come out for the Xbox. It was probably my favorite game on the Dreamcast and I’ve missed it ever since we sold the old system. I got to play it a bit last night and have mixed feelings about it. Yeah, it’s still got impressive graphics and the fighter animations are great. It’s just not got the same ability to pull me in and hold me like the Dreamcast version. It also lacks my favorite character, with whom I was was invincible, from the first version, Sophitia. Yeah, there’s Cassandra that’s supposed to be Sophitia’s sister and she does a lot of the same moves but just isn’t as interesting as Sophitia was. Most of the new characters are kinda bland. The only new one I like is Talim. I like her double swords and the way she can get in close and cause lots of damage.

Is it better than the first? Yes. Outstandingly so? Nah. Namco played it safe and went with a tried and true formula.

My iPod is Playing: The Captain from the album “The Captain” by Kasey Chambers

1 Comment


Comment by Mando

2003/09/23 @ 17:43

Soul Calibur II rox the house, buddy. Mitsurugi (sp?) and I own. I was plugging away at the single-player mode until I got KOTOR. OMG.

I’m oh so addicted to KOTOR that it’s not even funny . I even gave up watching Monday Night Football so I could squeeze in some extra playing time. If you have access, I highly recommend it. It’s so choice.


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