ChapStick Addiction
What is it about this stuff? I’ve had a ChapStick addiction for many, many years now. It’s not like I have dry lips or anything but I must always have a stick in my pocket. I constantly apply the stuff throughout the day. If you were to go through my dresser drawers and medicine cabinet you’d find probably no less than a dozen sticks of it. If I’m on my way to work or at work and don’t have a stick in my pocket I’ll stop at the nearest Walgreens and grab another. I can’t go through the day without it. Trust me, I’ve tried. When I do, my lips feel all dry and cracked and nasty. I just counted, I’ve got 3 sticks on or about my person at this very moment. Do I need help? My personal favorite is the old standby of strawberry. I’ve tried their new Flava-Craze flavors but found them too fruity. I mean do you really need a flavor named ‘Blue Crazeberry’?
What’s next X-treme ChapStick? I can see it now: “Official sponsors of the X-Games. It now comes in X-treme flavas like Jumping-Jalapeno and Very-Vegan.”
Maybe I should give ChapStick a call…
If you want more info on ‘Chapstick Addiction’ see the Lip Balm Anonymous Homepage.