An addicitive webpage…

11:05 am on Tuesday, October 8, 2002

Try out this webpage if you have a few hours to spare. I’ve spent way too much time trying to get perfect orbits. For a real challenge, try to get a satellite to orbit the moon. I’ve gotten one to orbit the moon for about a couple hours before it finally cratered. Or for the same sort of fun but the ability to score point try out Kevin the Spaced Penguin.

1 Comment


Comment by Richard F.

2004/02/10 @ 21:54

I’ve started a discussion list about “Kevin the Spaced Penguin” list on The URL is

Please feel free to add any comment you like. I really only want to find out how the top scorers got those insanely high scores and how come most of the top scores are almost exactly the same 😉

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