
2:08 pm on Tuesday, December 23, 2003

My wrist has been bothering me off-and-on for a few years. I’m pretty sure it’s carpal tunnel. I attribute its original injury to one of the sweetest games ever invented, Total Annihilation I spent way too many hours/days/weeks playing that game around ’96/’97. Every once in a while it acts ups and gives me problems. The past month has been one of those times. I went to the doc who prescribed Darvocet. It helps a bit. I’m supposed to go see an ortho surgeon hopefully for a Cortizone shot. That should help dramatically. If not it may be time for surgery. Oh boy! Another surgery…

My iPod is Playing: O Little Twon Of Bethlehem from the album “It’s Christmas Time” by Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra

1 Comment


Comment by Bill Bradford

2003/12/31 @ 21:05

Amy had the same problem, Diablo-wrist.


1. Get a wrist-pad / wrist-rest, and a trackball. She uses a Logitech Trackman Marble FX. If you want, I’ve got a Trackman Marble Mouse that you can have (its a trackball, despite the name).

2. Make sure your chair height is properly adjusted for your desk height.

3. Go to a chiropractor and make sure your back isnt out-of-line. After Amy went to a chiro, she’s had a lot less back and wrist/elbow nerve pain.

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