Completely unscientific observation…
Took my son out trick-or-treating last night. He prefers to stay home and help us with the haunted house we do but we always go out and hit 20 or so houses just to get a bit of candy. Luckily for us, unlike most kids his age, he’s not a candy freak and doesn’t care too much about it.
On to the observation. We passed about 30 houses, of those only 20 or so had their lights on and were handing out candy. I noticed in the driveways we passed that 8 cars had politcal stickers on the back. They were evenly split, 4 had Bush stickers, 4 had Kerry. Of the houses with Bush stickers, 3 of the 4 were giving out candy. Of the pro-Kerry houses, only 1 of the 4 were giving out candy.
I don’t know what this means and it’s completely unscientific, but it was interesting none-the-less. What I do know is that you have a bunch of time on your hands while waiting on the kid to get his candy.