Xbox 360 lust…
Last night we swung by Best Buy to pick up the latest Star Wars DVD. While browsing the store I noticed they had a brand new Xbox 360 kiosk. I got to play a few minutes of Call of Duty 2 and was blown the hell away. I think I’m in love.
It’ll be a while before I own one though for a couple reasons. $400?!?! Ok, you can get the hamstrung cheapo version for $299. To be really useful you’re going to spend back up to, and past, $400 buying things like HD cables and memory anyways. Also, it looks like game prices are going to start at $60/each. By the time you buy the Xbox, an extra controller or 3, and a couple of games you’re passing $550-600. I don’t think so. I guess I’ll wait until they drop the prices on the Xboxes to compete with the PS3 release next year. By then there’ll be a used game market also for cheap games.
For now I’ll keep playing with my old-school Xbox and PSP. Those have been relegated to second-class stauts since the release of Civ4 anyways. 🙂